An ancient hymn of the church from St. Ambrose for the Noonday office can be found at this website.
The holy reading and study is now done and NOW is the time for my body to celebrate the dance of work, order and cleaning through the blessing of daily chores. Warm clean water to wash up dishes and clothes. Scent of orange blossoms in the dish soap. Picking up mugs and plates and bowls to discover again clutter undone by wonderful empty counters. Hum of the vacuum as it gathers pet fur and dirt dragged in by happy paws. The uncovering of the glow of ancient wood from its cloak of dust. Stripping of the bed linens so we cuddle into lavender scented flannel tonight. Stopping to enjoy a shared joke and the joy of petting dog and cat.
And then out into the almost icy air to distribute potting soil among the tubs and plant bulbs of peony and bleeding heart, and peas a dream beyond the musty smelling soil and fibery roots to the fragrant pink blossoms to decorate our table in summer. (After all, this is President's day. A time to celebrate fruit trees, and patriotic myths about not lying about cherrys). If there is yet time, pruning willow whips to weave into fencing in a diamond pattern.
Thanks be to God for blessing of sun, home, life, imagination, pets and a beloved partner.
2 weeks ago
You make housecleaning sound so glorious and beautiful. Thank you for your inspiration. Really. Thanks so much. It's wonderful.